July 25-28, 2024
19th International
Fragile X Conference
Orlando, Florida
Once again, the Fragile X Association of Michigan is happy to be granting conference scholarships to help our members afford to attend this important conference. The final amount of each scholarship will be decided after we have the final number of scholarship applicants.
To apply for the FXAM conference scholarship,
email Tiah Solway at jtsolway@rocketmail.com
Let her know you are interested in being considered. Mention in the email if you applying for a scholarship for one or two family members including names and if you'll be attending in person or virtually.
Apply via email by Friday, June 14, 2024.
Reservations for Renaissance Sea World in Orlando are now open:
To learn more about the conference and register, visit:
FXAM Scholarships for the
NFXF International Conferences
From newsletters dated 7/2023, 1/2024 and 4/2024
Conference scholarships will only be open to FXAM members. How do you know if you're a FXAM member? Contact Mary Beth Langan, FXAM Corresponding Secretary, if you are unsure (mblangan@hotmail.com).While membership is FREE, we need a membership form completed so we have some details on who is a part of FXAM. You have to live in Michigan or be an Ontario family who lives close enough to be active. We need your info to help us know who we are serving. We need to know more about your family in case new families in your area need a close connection. Near or far in Michigan, we try to make sure FXAM families know they are not alone on their Fragile X journey via our support meetings, events, quarterly newsletters and FXAM Facebook page.
To apply for the 2024 FXAM Conference Scholarship, in addition to being a FXAM member, we will be requiring that scholarship recipients be active members in our group. What does that mean exactly? Being active could look completely different for each family, so we are providing a list of ways that you can remain active in our FXAM community. Moving forward, in order to qualify for a conference scholarship, you will need to fulfill at least one of the following:
1) Volunteered at a FXAM fundraiser or event in the two years since the previous conference.
2) Held a fundraiser in the two years since the previous conference where the proceeds were donated to FXAM (virtual, Facebook, lemonade stand, garage sale, etc).
3) Attended a minimum of 4 support group meetings, which are available virtually or in-person, in the two years since the previous conference. Since we only have one year before the next conference, we will be lowering that requirement to 2 meetings for the 2024 scholarship applicants.
In addition to these requirements, we will also ask for scholarship recipients to share with the group something about your conference experience in the newsletter following the conference (the October edition). This could be an article written about your experience, notes on something you learned, or photos from the conference. This is so that all FXAM members can share in your experience!
We hope you’ll take this next year to become an active member of our FXAM community if you’re not already, and most of all, we hope to see you at the 2024 NFXF International Conference from July 25-28 in Orlando, FL!
May 24, 2024
Fragile X Awareness
at Comerica Park
December 2, 2023
FXAM Holiday Party
August 26, 2023
FXAM Family Picnic
September 23, 2023, 10:30 a.m.
Father and Son, Picnic and Playday
July 22, 2023
World Fragile X Day
Detroit Tigers vs. San Diego Padres
May 6, 2023
FXAM Mom's: Let's do Lunch
October 22, 2022.
FXAM Father and Son Picnic/Play Day
August 13, 2022
FXAM Annual Picnic
July 16, 2022
FXAM Moms:
Let's Do Lunch!
July 14-17, 2022
18th International
Fragile X Conference
May 21, 2022
Creatiive Arts Studio
February 24, 2021
NFXF Advocacy Day